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STEM Coding + AI Programs For K-12 Students

We use modern approaches for teaching modern concepts to young minds

Accredited by


STEM Coding & AI Programs 


Private Classes

Year Round
Ages 6 - 18

Live Virtual Only
10 sessions each level
60 minutes per session
once or twice a week

Starting at $65 per session
Starting at $590 for 10 sessions


Small Group Classes

Year Round
Ages 6 - 18

Live Virtual or In-Person
10 sessions each level
75 - 90 minutes per session
once or twice a week

Once a week: $249-$325 / 10 weeks
Twice a week: $249-$325 / 5 weeks


Winter/Summer Camps

School breaks
Ages 6 - 18

Live Virtual or In-Person
10 sessions each level
75 - 90 minutes per session
Monday - Friday

75 - 90 minutes : $249-$325 / 2 weeks
180 minutes : $249-$325 / 1 weeks



Sandra R.
Aug 7 2020

My grandson says he would give his coach Kyle a billion stars, if possible. He helped him even though they were running out of time in class. He was so eager to help, and was very patient with lots of questions. He really seems to like watching the students working on their projects; he also really likes to give other options. If he "messes up", he's not scared to admit it. When that happens, he always thinks of a second way to make it work. The last thing is he is super determined to make the project work and make all the students happy.


 Jacob A.
Aug 22, 2022

Fun and interesting for my 8yo. The material in the slides was a little much for third-grade students, but Coach Louis adapted to his audience and worked at their level. Really appreciated you working with Ezra to meet him where he was.


Kathy S.
Aug 7, 2020

My son Loved this 4 week session and he wants more. He learned so much about coding and is really taking a big interest in coding. The teacher has been very patient and got along with all the kids (I over hear the classes often :) they all sounded like they are having a lot of fun and into what they are learning). Please lmk what’s the next level of coding. Especially with Brandon my son will be there! Thank you so much!  


Bevin C.
Aug 7 2021

Excellent experience all around. My son learned so much and was very inspired. Kyler was patient and helpful, had excellent communication, and knew what he was talking about. Extremely pleased with this course and instructor. Highly recommend if your kiddo is ready for some rigorous experiential learning.


Ruth S.
Aug 5 2022

My daughter loved this class. The teacher was excellent! She would like to continue with another Java class that picks up where this one left off. They coded fun projects while learning the fundamentals of the Java language. At the end of the course, they presented a final project to show off what they had learned in the course. Thank you Johnathan McDowell! This was a great class!

School Partnerships 

STEM Electives

AI Code Academy has been teaching in-school STEM Coding classes at a couple of US schools. Our most recent partners include the Independence School and Sanford School in Delaware, where we teach coding classes to students in 6-9th grades. Both private schools provide exceptionally strong academic programs with focus on STEM education for Gifted Children

Afterschool Enrichment 

AI Code Academy has been providing afterschool STEM coding AI classes for both live online and in-person students at local schools, and we have taught more than 8000 students since 2019.  We have more than 25 different classes to meet your students' interests and needs, and make it easy for schools to set up classes, with our marketing materials and customer service.

AP Computer Science

AI Code Academy has been teaching the AP Computer Science courses virtually. All our highly qualified teachers are majored in Computer Science with AP experience
We use project based learning in our AP classes which offer students an interactive and engaging coding experience, and the fundamentals are blended in each project to support students’ problem-solving abilities.

News and Activities


Micro.bit Distributor

On April 8, 2020, DSA become one of Microbit resellers in the US.


Partnership with Outschool 

On April 22, 2020, DSA signed a partnership with the best Online live tutoring platform Outschool to offer STEM Coding + AI programs to K12 students online.


Featured on

Delaware STEAM Academy is teaching a lifelong skill with a global approach. 2021 virtual summer STEM camps featured on on June 1st, 2021


226 W Park Place, Ste 4
Newark, DE 19711


Phone: +1 (302) 588 6066
WeChat: AI850022
